Monday, January 12, 2015

Join Hands in the Honour of Peshawar Children

I don't have words to express sad demise of Peshawar attack Animals in the name and body of humans entered in school and massacred over 100 kids. I hardly condemn that lack of mind effort of terrorism and if any single person who don't can easily be called non-human identity in the world, regardless identity belongs to any religion, cast or custom. This incident attacked at the backbone of a religious country named Pakistan and humanity. Old says that we have to learn lesson from these kind of terrorism and try to cover it immediately. No doubt Pak Army is doing its best in the form of Zarb-e-Azab in this regard. Its best time for Pakistani Government to take huge actions, planning and strategies which proof as a well learnt lesson. As Pakistan Government made different security services, and most of precious effort to take every single kid in school in the end of 2015 not in any street, or any waste place. Please join hands in the honour of Peshawar 

Kids are the most innocent stage of life and love and memories attached with this stage sounds unforgettable. Can you imagine you sent your kid to school and in returns you receive them dead, so horrible to think even. Somebody who sees schools as an essential driver to keep youngsters from recruitment into a life of roughness. Training isn't simply the best antitoxin to neediness, it is one of the best hostile to terrorism strategies - it bails children escape from sadness and into circumstance. We should meet this catastrophe with a huge worldwide call to get each tyke in school.

Peshawar children

Our Governments made a guarantee to they would get all children in school over the world before the end of 2015. We should get it going now for Pakistan and different nations - join the fight to respect the memory of the Children of Peshawar - it will be conveyed by Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy on Education, to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and pioneers who can make it a reality. Include your name now.

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